Sunday, August 22, 2010

Just Keep On Walking

"Don't go there!" Psalm 1 opens with these ominous words to all walkers, warning against the danger of walking a path recommended by the counsel of the ungodly. "Don't even stand there" the warnings continue, or "sit in the park bench nearby." That is not the road to happiness.

According to Psalm 82:5, the unrighteous "know nothing, they understand nothing. They walk about in darkness." Wrong information leads to moral and spiritual darkness. They have taken the wrong road, ignoring the warnings of Psalm 1.

By contrast, the righteous person walks in light and truth. The psalmist says: "You have feet from stumbling, that I may walk before God in the light of life" (Psalm 56:13, NIV). We learn in Psalm 89:15 that the light we walk in is "the light of [His] presence." We do not walk this road alone, for He is with us.

The psalmist not only walks in light, but he has accurate information - he walks in truth (Psalm 26:3). When we walk in the truth of God's Word, we know we are on the right road. Our challenge is to study the road map clearly so we don't take any wrong turns.

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